Our Player Code of Conduct

This player code of conduct must be signed by each Haverford Ice Hockey player prior to their first evaluation, practice, game or other team events. 

Looking for the Parent/Guardian Agreement? Click here.

  • Play for fun.
  • Work hard to improve your skills.
  • Be a team player – strive to get along with all of your teammates.
  • Practice good teamwork, sportsmanship, and discipline.
  • Be on time – which means be early.
  • Learn the rules and play by them. Always be a good sport.
  • Abide by the dress code set by your coach, and wear full uniform and required equipment. Participants are required to wear ALL appropriate ice hockey equipment, at all times for all practices, scrimmages, and games per USA Hockey rules and regulations. This includes mouth guards and neck guards.
  • No swearing or abusive language on the bench, in the rink, or at any team function.
  • When wearing any HIHC gear or apparel (hats, jackets, etc) in public, remember that you are representing both your team and your club, and should behave appropriately.
  • Use care and do not cause damage to private property including that which belongs to your teammates, coaches or the club. This policy extends to home and visiting locker rooms, rinks and all other facilities used by the team.
  • No drinking, smoking, chewing tobacco, vaping or use of any illegal substances at any team functions.
  • Any player who receives a penalty will skate directly to the penalty box.  Never argue with an official’s decision. Coaches and our Board will handle all matters pertaining to officiating.  
  • No fighting!  
  • Respect your coaches, your teammates, your parents, opponents, and officials.

Any player who cannot abide by these rules or violates them will be subject to further disciplinary action.